CHIEF COMPLAINTS Patient came with chief complaint of cough since 7 Days, Fever since 7 days, with difficulty in breathing since 7 days HOPI Fever since 15-days high grade-not associated with chills and rigor, evening rise + Associated with sweating Cough since 7- days associated with less amount of sputum, mucoid. blood tinged aggravated on changing position from lying down to sitting position, no reliving factors SOB grade - I MMRC -: 7 days more associated with cough, relieved on rest not associated with wheeze K/C/O: Dm+ since 2years H/o RTA 1 1/2 year back Fracture of neck of femur with dynamic hip screw surgery done in outside Hospital.Immobilisation 1 month to 1-1/2 year back H/o -electrocution 4-years back - Burns both hands N/K/C/O HTN,CAD ,Br Asthma ,epilepsy No H/O similar complaints in the past No past H/O TB, loss of appetite, loss of weight PERSONAL HISTORY Patient is Binge Alcoholic and Smokes 18 cigarettes in a day later he started smo...